Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mystery Project

YAY! I've finished a painting for Art House Co-op's "Mystery Project." After I joined, they sent a random Prismacolor marker and theme to be used as inspiration. My marker color was "violet" and my theme was "the future of the year." I have 'til tomorrow to install it in a random public place so a stranger can find it. I chose the subject "SECURITY", since I feel like this year of my life is both secure and insecure, depending on which inner struggles are visiting me at the moment. And some days I don't want the responsibility of doing my part to mold my life. Fear, procrastination and self-doubt sabotage me, and can keep me from moving one foot in front of the other. Maybe it's my impending 50th birthday?
Anyhoo, here's the painting, and a copy of the note I'm leaving with it. I'll stash it somewhere tomorrow in Stillwater, MN and document it here and on the blog's facebook page. Leave a comment if you want a hint on the location.


  1. How cool is this? Of course, I want a hint though not sure I am getting closer than St Paul tomorrow but you never know...does the finder get to keep it? That would be worth the drive over. Fertilizing my lawn is on my agenda...boring, compared to looking for art.

  2. Looks like all of my favorite color! Gina M.

  3. Hint #2 coming tomorrow early afternoon!

  4. Hint #2: South Main Street!

  5. East side of street, in a common hallway
